Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Menu Monday...a day late

So, I've found that when I get home from vacation late Sunday night, it's really hard to get my menu for the week up and running by Monday. So Tuesday night will have to do. We are, as many people are, trying to eat a little healthier. A feat not so simple in a country that believes that all meals should be soaked in oil. All has virtually no whole-grains...granted, vegetables and fruits are cheap and plenty--save blueberries, $3 for about a cup! Anyway, here's what we're eating this week.
eggs and toast
pb sandwiches
leftover beef vegetable soup
pb sandwiches (yep, not much variety, I'm working on that)
Paprika chicken, cabbage, potaoes with onion and red peppers
dragon eyes and mangos
omlette and toast
baked eggplant parmesan with whole wheat pasta (yes, I found some!)
strawberry desert (not too much sugar)
chicken sandwiches
shrimp pasta with vegetables
apple and blueberry (maybe) muffins
sausage barley soup
biscuits and sausage (not really a low fat food, but Elijah's been begging for it)
chicken in whole wheat wraps with veggies
banana bread for meeting
eating out...or leftovers
baked sweet potatoes and broccoli
This week and next is the biggest holiday of the year here. Everyone is supposed to go to their home town and celebrate it with their family. This is our first year being in country during the celebration...so we're not sure how it works. We've heard rumors that EVERYTHING in town shuts down. We've recently heard that the big supermarkets are still open, but everything is more expensive. We don't quite know what to expect. I've been stocking piling food for the last couple of days and have one more store to go to before I will feel like I can survive even if everything shuts down. Hopefully I will have some pictures to post of the celebration later in the week.
Also, as I noted earlier, we don't have much variety for lunches. We have pb or our friend cooks lunch for us. I'm looking for suggestions for lunches...what do you eat or feed your kids...other than pb?

1 comment:

Jen Jeppsen said...

Rachel I didn't know you had a blog! Yay! Something else to read!!
We have grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch alot. Also peanut butter and banana, veggies and dip, toasted turkey and cheese sandwiches, and lots of leftovers.