A while back I read a local magazine article about the DIY craze here. Alongside the article was an interview with a group of older ladies who told the reporter that this was not a new thing. One lady said that when she and her friends were young they decided that when they all sat outside with there friends to talk at night, they would always be working on a project too. They decided they never wanted to have idle hands. I found this really interesting and thought about all that I could get done if, instead of just sitting and watching tv at night, I also kept my hands busy on some kind of project. That was in October. Since then, I have knitted 2 baby sweaters, a sweater for Ellie (who wouldn't wear, so it got passed to Lydia), a sweater for Bella, sewn 14 dresses and 3 skirts, and patched up several shirts that would probably have been put in the trash. Now, I will admit that not of those things were done while watching tv...I don't watch that much tv. But with projects going, I found that while I waited for something, I could knit a couple of rows. I have found that I don't to watch every word that Bella reads while she does her reading and can sit beside her and knit while I listen and still be perfectly free to help her at any point.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of some projects that I've recently completed.

Striped sweater for Bella

Skirt for me

Simple dresses for the girls

Dress for Bella
None of these were fancy, but they'll be perfect for letting the girls play in and tear up all summer long.
Great job Rachel, I'm impressed!
I love it! I am encouraged to know that you find time to sew and knit even with four kids running around. Sometimes I feel like I cannot complete projects with the kids in the house:-) I especially like the cute dresses (great fabric!). Hope the Superdutos are doing well.
Again, I am so impressed and proud of your achievements! You are an amazing young woman. I love you. Kiss the babies for Nana. Love, Mom
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