Monday, October 16, 2006

First Day of School

Sorry folks, this was started almost two weeks ago and I am just now getting it finished and published. Please forgive the tardiness
Oh, I'm officially two babies went to school today. As is with everything in my life, it was total chaos. I woke up late, after Lydia only got up once (a big blessing these days). The kids had been up late the night before so they cried a lot first thing this morning. But once they got to school they were ready. I took me well over an hour to get all the paper work done. Mostly because while I can read a little, I can't write anything! I didn't have a translator with me (big mistake!) and so the head teacher had to write everything for me.
So the kids have now completed two weeks of school. The first week, there wasn't much crying, but this second week has been a doozy!!! Elijah is not much of a fan of school. He keeps telling me he wants to go to the homeschool. Some major hurdles that we have had to jump have been the potty issue, my lack of language ability, and candy--lots of candy! As for the potty issue, the second day Elijah's teacher was really upset because he hadn't gone poop the first day he was there. (While in general I am not in favor of discussing "toilet habits," I felt that this was just too funny to pass up!) After reassuring her that he would go when he needed, she wasn't satisfied and was still visibly upset. I then told her that he went at home. Later, though, I found out what the problem is. In China, parents "potty train" their children at about 3 months. Before you say impossible, it almost kind of works (although I do see lots of women walking around with wet shirts.) It's based on our good friend Pavlov and his dogs' principle. Parents have two different whistles, and children "go" according to the whistle. So basically at three years of age the teachers herd 20-30 3 year-olds into the bathroom to do their "business." The foreign child who didn't "go" on command threw a kink in their morning. This second week the teacher seemed to think that Elijah wouldn't be able to use the bathroom in winter. I am sure it had something to do with wearing heavier clothes. Who really knows! The second thing that the whole kindergarten scenario has taught me is that my language is not that good. I can hardly understand the teachers, and as at most schools their are lots of notes for the parents to read--a major challenge for me. And the last is is candy, which the teachers give to our kids with absolutely no discretion! If they cry, they get candy. If they won't eat, they get candy. If they have a fever, they get candy! I have no earthly idea why they keep giving them candy. I specifically tell them not to, and yet I am greeted with sticky faces everyday!
Anyway, these are uncharted territories for us. Hope everyone is doing well!

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