Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Month at the Y

This is by far the longest amount of time I've ever spent continuously in a hotel. We have now been in the YMCA almost 3 weeks. We are starting to feel it too. There are some funny things we are starting to notice about ourselves. One thing is that in China, you can't drink the water. Well, in Singapore you can! We were completely shocked, but the funny thing is that we can't bring ourselves to do it. I boil water every night because I can't bring myself to turn on the tap and take a drink. I though that I was just going crazy, but come to find out that many of us who live in places where drinking tap water is not option feel the same way.
The other thing that I have discovered is that I don't know what side of the road Americans drive on. I used to. Now though we have traveled in all these countries that drive on the left that it almost seems more normal to me. In China they theoretically drive on the right, but really the whole road is fair game.
So now I wonder what else has changed about me. I see a lot of things about my kids that I really appreciate. They walk more than any kids I have ever met. I don't think that they will ever be kids that say it is too hot to go out to play. It's funny, in China, Isabella will eat just about all kinds of vegetables, except eggplant. Here in Singapore though she won't eat it. I don't know if she is holding out for something better or what!

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