Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Simplicity itself!

We love (LOVE) veggies in our house. We like them raw, boiled, fried, sauteed, baked, and ROASTED! Roasted is probably my favorite way to eat some veggies. I would much rather have roasted potatoes than french fries. I'd rather have roasted green beans to boiled with bacon. And all I can say is, I'd rather have roasted asparagus than any other vegetable! Happily, roasting veggies is the easiest, ok except raw, to prepare vegetables. Four ingredients...yep, that's all you need!
Olive oil
green beans or asparagus

Clean up the veggies. For green beans, trim the ends and cut or snap to the length you prefer. For asparagus, cut off the tough part of the stalk. Spread out on a large cookie sheet or roasting pan, drizzle olive oil over all the veggies, and salt and pepper. Toss together. Place the cookie sheet close to the top heat in a 450 degree oven. Roast until they have brown spots on them. Takes me about 25 minutes or so. I suppose the oven will determine the time. They won't be burnt, but they will look very done.
You can add garlic if you like, but it's tasty either way.

Potatoes can be done like this too...although you won't need to put them so close to the heat and it will take longer. Just wash and cut into 1 in squares (you can peel them or not). Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic or herbs. I love rosemary and garlic. I grind the rosemary into almost a powder since my family doesn't like the hard pieces. Roast them until they are brown on the bottom and have little brown blisters on top.

I mentioned a bit back about my once a month's really more prepping than cooking, but so far, it really has made things come together much more quickly in the evenings. If it continues to be helpful, I will post more about what I do next month. Hope everyone is well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I will try this tonight. What kinds of veggies do you suggest? I was thinking of broccoli,cauliflower and carrots.