Monday, April 27, 2009

Story Writers

After we went to the Disney on Ice, Isabella's school assignment was to write a story about it. The following is a truthful rendition--copied exactly the way she wrote it.

Once I went to disney on ice. I saw buzz, and the princesses, and Alice, and the Incredibles. The Incredibles went on vacation to disney land. In disney land they saw miky and miny mouse but then one day syndrome took miky and miny mouse to jail. The Indredibles found out that miky and miny mouse were gon. The Incretibles started to get to work when they found out they needed there soots. The Incretibles put on there soots and saved miky and miny mouse from jale. They saved disney land to. Now we can have a partty. The Incrtibles sved the day once agan. The End.

So we still need to work on some spelling and capitalization, but I think she did pretty well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phonics wins again! Thanks for posting the story! I love to read anything written by the most fabulous grandchildren in the universe! Can you say "hyperbole?"
Thanks for posting the pictures from SDC (which I saw this morning). I told you I check the blog several times a day. Don't want to miss anything. Love you all! 7 days! Love, Mom