Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wild Animals

Monday, we had freak weather for February. It was partly sunny and 70 degrees. This, of course, necessitated a trip to the zoo. So we packed up our wild animals to go see their wild animals! Some of the smaller animals were not out because it was still too cool for them, but the larger animals were out and about. In fact, it was the most active I had ever seen them. The kids really got a good look at most of the animals. Usually it's a little difficult to point them out as they are hiding in some shade. Anyway, I took lots of pictures of our little wild things. Hope you enjoy.

This is Ellie watching the penguins. This was the only thing she really took notice of since she's too small to see most of it. She was absolutely taken by them. She kept pointing, squealing and saying "this," her word for anything she is interested in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the pictures. I eagerly check it at least once a day - most of the time twice a day - to see my most favorite people in the world! Love, Mom