Saturday, June 21, 2008

Eggplants and winter!

This summer as we are staying in the parsonage, we have a very small (and weedy--my fault) garden. Mostly it's filled with herbs, but since I found a Japanese eggplant plant, I thought I would try to grow that too. Those are the kind of eggplants we had in China. I am so proud that even though my weeding skills are completely lacking, it's growing!
Also, although the weather has not been too hot here, I would hardly say that it warranted hat and gloves. We found some old winter things, and the girls wanted to wear them around. Bella liked the gloves because she said they gave her pink fingernails.In other news, Ellie is rolling all over the place. She often finds herself stuck in places. The other day she rolled up to the bookshelf and looked at the books as if she wanted to pick one out and read it. Of course by the time I got the camera, she was off to other adventures! So here are some cranky pictures. Hopefully, I'll get some of Elijah. He's been gone everytime I've gotten the camera out.

1 comment:

Stonefox said...

Hey, I loved reading your update! Now that I know you are here, I will visit often. Are you still going to homeschool?

Make sure you visit my site and put a link to yours if you have any funnies to share. (I've started a Wednesday meme Just Humor Me).