Saturday, June 07, 2008

And baseball is almost all over...

Elijah's last T-ball game was last night, unfortunately he didn't get to play. Earlier in the day he was playing on some monkey bars and busted his chin open. He got three stitches and a trip to the ER. How fun for him!
Isabella's last baseball game is on Monday. We have been so impressed with how much she has improved. She had two solid hits her last game. I'm hoping on Monday she can get to score a run too.

In other news, the pool is open. The first day that Bella and Elijah were in the pool getting their chins wet was major trauma. But we are doing lots better now. Bella is even swimming with floaties with her face in the water.

Lydia is at the tail end of being potty trained. We are so impressed with how well she is doing. She is growing up on us so fast. Her vocabulary is exploding although we don't always understand her. One funny thing she is when she needs to go potty. Instead of saying "pee pee in the potty," she says "pee pee in the panties." I don't really care which she says as long as she doing it right!

Elliana is also getting big. She's over 16 lb. She eats two jars of food a day with cereal. And she rolls all over the floor. She rolls until she gets herself stuck, a lot of times under the couch. Although yesterday she rolled over to our bookcase (the one that Tim built) and started browsing through the books. It was really cute. But as many of you know, by the time you get the camera they've rolled off somewhere else!

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