Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Well, so Christmas is already passed, but some of us spent it in the hospital. So we didn't fully "do" Christmas until the day after until Elliana and I got home. Some one thought that I posted the last blog, but that was Tim. We are really glad to be back home. So the following are just a few Christmas pictures of us opening our presents so the grandparents and great-grandparents can see. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Sleepers for Elliana
Sudoku...we are going to have to share this!
Elijah's t-shirt and the girls' jeans
An IQ booster book...are you guys trying to tell us something?
Kids' stockings
Lydia wants to wear the Stockings

Are we smarter than a 5th grader? I'm not so sure!

Lydia's animal boat and Elijah's Buzz Lightyear coloring book

New bags


Mama's French press

Grandma and Elliana


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Christmas gift Elliana was!!! Grandma looks right at home holding her...Please take no offense to the I.Q. book me and Albert saw it and knew it was nothing we could do so figured perhaps you guys might like it. Glad you had a such a blessed Christmas and hope you have an equally blessed new year.

Love, Nicole

Sperdutofamily said...

We were not offended by the book! We think it's fun...we both love doing those kinds of things. We'll probably fight over it especially on plane trips when there isn't anything else to do. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!