Friday, December 21, 2007

It's my due date...

And I'll cry if I want to. Alright, so I went to see the doctor today. He said that he felt sure that I would have the baby by the 1st of January. As you all can imagine that did not go over so well. It was a terrible sinking feeling when I realized that I am no where close to being ready. So all I can say is I'm still pregnant. We're going to try the Mexican food trick tonight. (Any excuse to eat Mexican is a good excuse.) I figure it's because I haven't been getting enough Starbucks...ha, ha, ha. Trying to keep a positive attitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try the massage! The worst that can happen is feeling relaxed. Sorry you missed your "deadline."

Have the massage first and THEN eat the Mexican food. Love, Mom