Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not much to say, but...

Well, I don't have a whole lot to say, but I have taken a few pictures that I thought I would share. I thought I would start out with the most recent...taken this morning...of the player yet to be named! I debated whether or not the wait would be worth it, but of course it was. I left the house at 7 this morning and didn't get back until almost noon! But I came home with a picture! So without further ado...

Head on this side...feet on this side!

The bright spot above the head is a hand,

the other hand is above the belly.

Girl loves her bath!

And loves to laugh!

Mom and the girls

Dad and the kids

Mom and the kids


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of the new baby. The other ones are beautiful as always.
