Friday, June 29, 2007

The Beard

For the last almost 2 years Tim has worn either a goatee or beard...well, that came off yesterday!
This event spawned quite a story! I am the one who encouraged Tim to cut it, not because I don't like, I do. I have felt particularly warm this summer, which makes me assume that everyone else is really hot too! So for a "summer do" Tim shaved it long that will last I don't know. But I told him he could grow it back if he didn't like it. A little while later Elijah came into the kitchen to announce that he too was growing a beard! This is medical mystery, but he very proud of the "growth" and tells everyone about it! Some friends came over last night to hangout (or maybe so the wife, who had heard about my beardless husband from her husband, wanted to see!). Elijah also informed them that he was growing his beard. They admired his "whiskers." And he informed them that his whiskers would be poking people soon, so they needed to be careful! So far, thankfully, no one has had any injuries from his "poky whiskers!"

And for more fun, here are a couple of pictures I took of the kids on a Saturday morning. Lydia is chewing a lot these days due to some new teeth, #7 just poked through. Isabella and Elijah are both benefiting from Isabella's ability to read, although he still prefers me to read "The Wild Things" as he calls it! Hope everyone is gearing up for a fun 4th of July...that will be our one year mark to begin the final countdown!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lovely sounds

This morning at breakfast we heard a sound that most of you all would curse to hear at 7:45, but to me it was a wonderfully familiar sounds. A lawnmower. Yes, I know that many of you hate to mow and the sound I have complained about once or twice in my life too. But this morning it was familiar. It was a "home" sound. It felt really normal. It made think of the Lovin' Spoonful's "What a Day for a Daydream. "

"And fall on my face in somebody's new mowed lawn."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Voting time already?

Alright, so this is totally NOT political. Instead, I decided that I would post three pics of the kids when they were all about a cast your vote to say who looks the most alike!

In other pictures...I noticed that the last time I posted Elijah got the short end of the deal. So we took a few more pictures and here they are!

Handsome boy!

Picking up!

The wild thing pretends to make fire!

Dr. Lydia

Big girl growing up fast

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not much to say, but...

Well, I don't have a whole lot to say, but I have taken a few pictures that I thought I would share. I thought I would start out with the most recent...taken this morning...of the player yet to be named! I debated whether or not the wait would be worth it, but of course it was. I left the house at 7 this morning and didn't get back until almost noon! But I came home with a picture! So without further ado...

Head on this side...feet on this side!

The bright spot above the head is a hand,

the other hand is above the belly.

Girl loves her bath!

And loves to laugh!

Mom and the girls

Dad and the kids

Mom and the kids


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


One of the easiest and most convenient breakfasts here is eggs and toast. As opposed to cereal it's cheap and easy to find. Tim and I prefer our eggs over easy while I usually scramble the eggs for the kids. But now that Isabella is growing up she wants to eat things the same way the grown-ups do. This puts poor Elijah in a bad spot. He doesn't care for change or new foods, and I have been too lazy to make his scrambled. Yesterday, I made him the perfect egg. The yoke was lovely and runny, while everyone else's had been broken or a little over done. What is his comment?
"Did you put orange juice on my eggs?"
Looks like I need to quit being lazy and scramble his eggs!