It stinks to be the only one who doesn't know the song.

No, really, it really stinks...bad!

Actually, it makes me look really pitiful!
And, what every park ought to have...

I knew that was what you were thinking. I know that every time you go to a park in America, the thing you think is, "Man, I really wish we had some mangy looking goats." I was one of the few parents who weren't pushing their kids to go over and play with the goats. I am mean and cruel that way. Crazy thing, I didn't want her to be bit by a goat. I've heard they bite pretty hard, and they were pretty aggressive with the other kids.
In other more entertaining news, Isabella has said some really funny things lately. She's learning to read so quickly, we often tell her we are so impressed. So yesterday, she finished reading a small book, and she said very excitedly, "I"m so oppressed!" It took me a while to stop laughing. Then today, she said that she had to tell me something I would be really excited about: "Worm-aid." I asked if that was cool-aid made with worms. She told me no, it was a fish that was a girl. What she really meant, a mermaid. She's so funny.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to try to get a picture of my new haircut and get it posted...not that it's that important, but I'm kinda proud of it! Hope to talk to everyone soon!
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