Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Through the Holiday season, I have found many things to pull my attention from the Blog. I wish I was one of those fabulously organized people, but God created me to be one of those easily distra--ooooh, what's that---ahem, I think I was saying something about wishing I was more organized. One of the many New Year's Resolutions that I have is becoming a "finisher." I often start projects and then find another project that is more appealing. For example. I wanted matching hat, gloves and scarf. I have finished the hat and one glove. Yep, just one. It was so tedious to knit the little fingers (and I need to buy another skein of yarn) that I am dreading knitting up the other glove. Tim says I should just keep one hand in my pocket, but really that skirts the real problem I need to finish it because the Bible says, whatever you find to do, do it well. I'm assuming that means finish it. Anyway, hopefully, this year I will be better about finishing projects and posting on my blog...we'll see. Here are some recent, you know, the last month or so, pictures...oh, and Ellie is walking, I mean running!

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