Friday, May 14, 2010

Takin' a little break...

I guess that's what I've been doing. We've had a crazy few weeks. I do have a long list of blog topics bumping around in my head, but I can't seem to sit long enough to get these topics in a form that any of you would be able to decipher! I should have some more time soon...but until then, I read a blog recently that really challenged me (yes, I know, I link up to this blog often...I'm ok if you just start reading hers and delete mine off your list--she updates frequently, I'm, well, a little AD...hey, what's that over there?). Anyway, I hope that next week, I'll be back on task (and working out!).
(you might need to copy and paste)
Hope you enjoy this post and that it challenges you as much as it challenged me!